Month: September 2016

Clothes free life has moved

Clothes Free Life the magazine has moved to its new home on a new server still at clothesfreelife. THERE WILL BE NO MORE CLOTHES FREE LIFE MAGAZINE UPDATES ON THIS SITE. If you have followed the magazine using WordPress please head over to the new site and subscribe to get all the updates of news and original articles.  VISIT CLOTHESFREELIFE.COM Earl D editor in chief and founder

Nude or naked?

Some of you may know that I write books. Writing books and stories means you have to consider the meaning of words carefully. Considering the words ‘nude’ and ‘naked’. They both refer to the state of being undressed, uncovered, clothes-free, yes. Still, to me they have a different charge as it were. Wikipedia’s take on these point to the same thing. Nudity. To me there is however an underlying difference. What nude is to me. To me this is nude. You may argue that I’m naked in this picture so let me explain. When I am nude, I’m undressed, I appreciate it to the max and I am ‘in my power’. I am undressed by my own choice and proud of my state of being. When I took  this picture it wasn’t warm. There was fog all around. Still I felt wonderful there, in nature, one with the elements of the moment. That is when you are in your centre of power. What is naked to me. Here is an example of someone I think …

naked soul reflections – seeing the other door

New episode of Naked Soul Reflections – “Seeing the Other Door” Link to audio on Spreaker: I found myself standing approaching the front entrance to my building, which has a set of double doors. A long stream of people was coming out of the left door. However, the person in front of me, instead of opening the door on the right to enter, stood waiting for the stream on the left to end. How often do we, in our lives, stand waiting for the drama/busyness on the left to end before taking action, when there might have been a door on the right that we could have opened all along? In this episode I touch on how clothes free life and clothes free camping have helped me see alternate doors in other areas of my life. This week I invite you to think  on three things: What is one thing/area in your life where you feel stuck? Is there another door? What can you draw on from your clothes free life that could help you …

CFL moving to a new home

On the heels of the fresh paint on our sister site this site will be moving to a new home. So we want to take a moment to tell you what that will mean. First we have told you that we are on a hiatus form posting on this site.  That will end once the move is complete. In fact there are new posts and newsbytes waiting. The new site will have a new look and some new features that we have been unable to provide so far like a directory of related web sites with user submission, a new event calendar. We will be migrating our email and web followers to the new site. There might be a down period as we make the switch. Some things won’t change however. Still great original content, still news you want to read, still stories from ordinary people living clothes free. The new site will allow to expand our scope and reach. So so stay tuned for clothes free life 2.5!  

Please stand by

Please stand by as we are making a few changes to the web site that may cause a few glitches. For the next couple days we won’t be posting much until we complete the upgrade so “bare” with us. There are some cool things coming on the other side.

naked soul reflection – textures of truth

In this episode of Naked Soul Reflection, I share some reflections that arose for me as I walked about barefoot on Sunday. Link to audio: Walking around barefoot reminded me of just how textured the world is. Usually, when I walk around in my shoes with a separation between me and the world, all I ever feel are is the texture of the shoe. I forget that ground, earth, floors change in character, temperature, texture, etc. Taking off my shoes reconnected me to a more honest reality. The real world is diverse in character. This also tied into a change in attitude I experienced about my body and my health. I thought my body was just this blob that, well, “This is just the way it is. Nothing I do is making a difference.” I thought it unresponsive, until I realized that I needed to change my perspective and approach. Once I did, my body began to shift and respond positively to the different foods I gave it, the increase in sleep, and the other adjustments …

♫ Cedar Trails To You! ♫

I happened to be crossing the bottom half of the state today.  I was on my own and with no fixed schedule, so I decided to not take the most direct route home.  Instead, I detoured a little south and made a stop at Cedar Trails Nudist Retreat (CTNR) in Peebles.  I’ve been wanting to check out this resort for some time, but just never seemed to find the opportunity to drive down that way.In anticipation of going to CTNR, I decided to do most of my driving naked, with the exception of an unbuttoned shirt.  The net effect is that I’m sitting in the driver’s seat, naked except for the sleeves of the shirt.  I think that this helps to keep people from wondering what is going on in my car if they should notice a totally bare chested man driving down the road.  There’s just something about a naked road trip, sun roof open, windows down and the wind of 65 MPH whipping through the car.  I love it!CTNR was not difficult to find, but is …

Legal Hackette Lunches with the ‘Naked Rambler’

I meet Stephen Gough at the top of a hill overlooking Winchester prison, one of the jails in which he was incarcerated due to his desire not to wear clothes in public.Gough has cycled to the meeting point, which he selected. He is clothed in black lycra cycling shorts and an orange T-shirt — the latter of which quickly comes off due to the heat.After spending more than 10 years in prison because of his wish not to wear clothes, the 57-year-old former Marine has taken to dressing in order to be able to be a fulltime carer for his mother, who suffers from dementia.As debate rages about whether Muslim women should be permitted to cover their entire bodies when on the beach – a right which our hero ardently supports — Gough has found himself in trouble with the law for wearing too little. Source: Legal Hackette Lunches with the ‘Naked Rambler’ curators’ note For a guy who has been made out to be crazy or just this side of it Gough sounds pretty …

welsh invasion -naturist style

The nudist invasion of a Welsh beach today should not offend – nakedness has nothing to do with sex This morning those who harbour quite literal naked ambition will be heading for the Vale of Glamorgan for The Great British Skinny Dip. The event which invites swimmers to skip into the waves off Monknash Beach unfettered by bikinis, bathing costumes or Speedos has been organised by British Naturism. While everyone else seems to be wondering what is the politically correct line to take on France’s burkini ban, the governing body of British nudists is telling us to get our kit off. Completely. All in the cause of healthy living, of course. Naturists always push stripping as a lifestyle activity as wholesome as a vegan super salad. According to a spokesman: “This great event will provide lots of opportunities for people to try costume-free swimming across many varied locations, whilst having fun and raising awareness of how many people’s buttoned up attitude to the human body is causing them to lead potentially unhealthy lives.” read more …