Author: cosmicgirlyogi

I’m a Instagram Pariah

Today my Instagram account got deleted because people kept reporting my pictures.I post clothes free yoga pictures on my Instagram account. Not as a way to get attention but as a way to show how beautiful and perfect the two go to together. I felt like my pictures was a book and I was telling this story which only the eyes could see.As I began to post more and more of these beautiful pictures.More of my pictures were taken down from Instagram, because of people reporting them. My friends kept giving me advice like make my page private, stop posting naked pictures or do both. But I couldn't understand why should I stop doing something that is done only out of love and to also inspire others. There is that saying the “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and the way society is going is that what you wear and how much you spend is beauty. Everyday I see people post pictures of homophobic, racist ,sexiest and much worse stuff everyday on …

Naked Soul Yoga Challenge

This May two other yoginis and I are hosting a #nakedsoulyogachallenge on Instagram. This challenge it’s about liberation and freeing yourself from judgment. Today’s society is too judgmental and too materialist. Our insecurities continue to be a daily struggle because of today’s social criticism. Not just for women but men too. Yoga is about finding one’s true self and accepting who you are in this life. When I do naked yoga I feel so free, grounded, alive and myself. I’m able to look at myself in the mirror and love everything about me flaws and all. I have stretch marks and cellulite and no matter how much I exercise or what cream I use they won’t go away. But the thing is I don’t care! I still love myself. People look at me and think she is perfect, she’s beautiful but I’m still human. I still have insecurities and at times judge myself. What yoga and being naked has done for me is help those insecurities and judgments come very far and few in between. …